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| additive manufacturing (additive fabrication) | | |
| advance manufacturing technology | | |
| ballistic particle manufacturing | | |
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| coaxial inside-beam powder feeding |
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| coaxial powder feeding laser cladding |
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| computer-aided engineering | | |
| computer-aided manufacturing | | |
| computer numerical control | | |
| concept model / conceptual model |
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| continuous printing/ continuous inkjetting | | |
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| deposition of molten metal droplets | | |
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| direct ceramic ink-jet printing | | |
| direct jetting deposition |
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| direct metal laser sintering | | |
| direct selective laser sintering | | |
| direct shell casting process | | |
| dispersed/accumulated forming |
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| droplet-based metal manufacturing | | |
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| drop-on-powder bed deposition | | |
| ejection aperture / ejection orifice |
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| electron beam free form fabrication | | |
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| freeform fabrication with micro-droplet jetting |
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| fused deposition modeling | | |
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| hybrid rapid manufacturing of metallic objects |
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| hybrid rm using deposition technology and cnc machining |
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| hybrid rm using laminated manufacturing and cnc machining |
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| hybrid rm using powder-bed technology and cnc machining |
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| indirect fabrication processes |
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| laminated object manufacturing | | |
| laser additive manufacturing | | |
| laser aided manufacturing process | | |
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| laser cladding rapid manufacturlng | | |
| laser engineered net shaping (laser engineering net shaping) | | |
| lateral powder feeding laser cladding |
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| layer additive manufacturing |
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| liquid metal jet printing | | |
| maskless mesoscale materials deposition | | |
| material increasing manufacturing | | |
| material removing manufacturing | | |
| melted extrusion modeling | | |
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| micro-droplet jetting/ micro-liquid dispensing |
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| micro-droplet ink-jet printing |
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| micro-plasma arc cladding | | |
| micro-plasma powder deposition | | |
| micro-plasma wire deposition | | |
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| motor assisted microsyringe | | |
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| multiple jet solidification | | |
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| net droplet-based manufacturing | | |
| near-field electrospinning | | |
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| orifice plate/ aperture plate |
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| pattern less casting manufacturing | | |
| photocurable ceramic suspension |
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| photopolymer / photopolymerization |
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| precision droplet manufacturing | | |
| pressure assisted microsyringe | | |
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| quick response manufacturing | | |
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| rapid product development | | |
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| rapid prototype manufacturing | | |
| rapid prototyping & manufacturing | | |
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| sacrificial mold material |
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| selective area laser deposition | | |
| selective electron beam melting | | |
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| selective laser sintering | | |
| selective laser powder remelting | | |
| selective spray and deposition | | |
| shape deposition manufacturing | | |
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| solid freeform fabrication | | |
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| surface triangle list (stereo lithography) file | | |
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| three dimensional printing (3d printing) | | |
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